Hard to believe that this little bottle of water could keep you from riding in an ambulance and 5 hours in the emergency room!
The morning started out with super special date with neighbor Sherrie. They went to get french toast sticks from Carl's Jr. and then their hair cut at J Michael's Salon. They started out about 8:30am. Eliza was super excited to get her hair cut in a dramatic A-line, visit with Sherrie and eat french toast sticks! Ryan and I were home packing/cleaning for our 2 week vacation that we were starting as soon as Eliza got back from her date with Sherrie. Around 11:15am Deryk (Sherrie's hubby) came over and said Eliza had fainted or something and 911 was called. Ryan spoke with Sherrie and she said fire and ambulance were on their way. Ryan called me down stairs and asked if I knew where Eliza was and if I did she needed me ASAP. Then told me that my mom should drive me. My mom and I just walked out the door, not really knowing anything but that we needed to get to the salon. While on our way, the a fire/rescue gentleman called and said that they need to take Eliza to the hospital. The said they weren't "actively trying to save her life" but that she was "pretty out of it and should be checked out because 7/8 year olds don't usually faint for no reason!" So, apparently while on the way to the hospital the paramedics tried to give her an IV in her hand
but they were not successful in finding a vein and decided to wait until they arrived at the hospital. (She ended up never getting one!) Her BP was pretty low as was her blood sugar. When I first saw her she looked pretty grey and shaken up and started crying as soon as she saw me! But, what 7/8 year old wouldn't be, most people have to wait a few more years before their first ambulance ride!
The nurse said the room in the ER was too small for Grandma and Sherrie to stay so they went to visit Crissy, Bob and their new baby Allison Grace. At least they didn't have to be bored in the ER waiting room, I think time went a little faster in the labor and delivery part of the hospital, especially holding an 8lb miracle!
I will spare you the boring details of our wait for the urine analysis, EKG, chest x-ray and blood work and then for the results. But while we were waiting Eliza did start to perk up and decided to take pictures, with my phone, of all the things that were scary and not so scary in the ER.
Getting her blood drawn scary!
light, Scary
Gloves, not scary
Machine with tubing....scary!
BP machine not so scary they have one at the doctor's office ;)
Heart monitor, Scary! Lots of beeping!
Fire alarm, scary
Mom pretending to sleep, not scary
the curtain, not scary until they close it!
Mom sticking her tongue out a you while you take her picture, not scary
..very silly!
She bored of this pretty quick and the nurse was really kind to find some
arts and crafts to work on and a Popsicle.
When the results came back we were told that all the tests came back normal. Yeah! And, it was probably just a combo of dehydration, low blood sugar and exhaustion. Wow, does she even have a mom to look after her!?! ;) I guess it was a good lesson for us/her to learn that water, food and rest are an important part of life! And for me that my little girl still needs her mommy ;)