My good friend Michelle wrote a blog 25 things about Nini (her daughter) so I wanted to use that idea. Thanks Michelle!.
A tribute to Mary Scarlet our little two year old.
30 things about Mary Scarlet
1. Mary was born 15 minutes after we arrived at the hospital - super fast!

2. She loves her sister Eliza's room so much she would spend the whole day in there if we would let her. I think it's the endless drawers of stuff she loves so much to explore them!
3. Mary drank from a bottle every night, until just a few weeks ago
4. Her first favorite toy was Thomas the Tank engine
5. When asked how old she is Mary will reply 'I'n twoooooooo', and 'I'n MeMe'
6. When she gets too tired she is impossible to get to bed, but if you put her down before the tiredness is apparent she is a cinch to get down.
7. Runs to the door whenever Daddy comes home, yelling 'Daddy, My Daddy'!!
8. Loves to go Bye Bye
9. She thinks it is a requirement when we go to Target to get popcorn and a drink before we shop!
10. She squeals so loud when she is excited that you think your ear drums are going to explode!
11. Loves to swing endlessly on the swing, Loves even more to go really high
12. Loves to ride bikes, until today this meant to walk a razor scooter around outfitted with a helmet. She definitely thought she was all that. Today she got a real bike for her Bday

13. Hates sand on her feet or any other part of her body except her hands. But then only likes it on her hands if it magically falls off when she is done.
14. Loves to run everywhere, Runs so fast you think she is going to crash
15. Loves to have a water bottle on hand at all times but would rather drink pop
16. Has watched Happy Feet so many times we all have it practically memorized and none of us have ever watched it all the way through in one sitting! (except Eliza)
17. Asks for a choo choo every night on her way to bed, which could mean the movie or an actual train
18. Absolutely loves to brush her teeth, calls the toothpaste 'paste'
19. Loves to wear flip flops, mostly adults and Eliza's but will settle for hers if that is all she can find. Recently got crocks and they are a close second!
20. Asks for Emmy, Annie and Ava all the time (friends)
21. Always wants to payee (play)
22. Loves play with her babies especially to feed them

23. calls grandma and grandpa 'Papa'
24. Loves fruit especially apples
25. Loves to peek in on mom, dad or Eliza when they are showering or bathing, and nearly
every time will strip down and join them.
26. Can open the front door and will and does....that little escape artist!
27. If you ask for a kiss she will tell you no and then snicker. She thinks this is especially funny if she can turn to someone else and give them a kiss instead!!
28. Will mimick Eliza singing Hannah Montana, too cute!
29. Everyday she pushes her shopping cart all around the house while talking on her cell phone!
30. Loves snuggles first thing in the morning
At first I thought this list was going to be hard to write. It ended up being quite easy. I could have easily done more but her are 30 reasons Mary Scarlet is Mary Scarlet and we do so love that she is part of our family!
Happy Birthday my Precious little child!